We have all had a lot of fun over the Christmas and New Year period with indulging in delicious food and beverages. It is so nice to be able to enjoy yourself at Christmas parties, family gatherings and open bar events…but are you struggling to get back on track after all the fun? The average person puts on 2 kg’s during the festive season and whilst goes on very quick, it can be very difficult to get off again….am I right? The answer isn’t going to extremes or filling your mind with horrible thoughts, getting the guilts or starving then binging again. Here are a few simple tips to incorporate into your lifestyle to bring your eating habits back on track:
- WATER – water, water and more water! Often hunger can be mistaken for thirst due to the same hunger pains in your stomach, but are you actually just thirsty? Get back in the habit of keeping a water bottle with you throughout the day and flush those toxins from your body. Water is an essential part of removing toxins via the kidneys, keeping your cells and organs hydrated, along with assisting in weight loss. If you are not a good water drinker, try infusing some fresh fruit into cold or warm water, slices of lemons, limes, mint or cucumber. These will add some fresh flavour to your water without having to worry about gaining weight.
- CLEAR OUT THE PANTRY – If you still have some leftover festive foods from Christmas, I highly recommend giving them away or donating them to an organisation. Many families stock up over Christmas and are left with more than they needed. Ensure there aren’t food triggers and weaknesses easily available for you to consume. If they are looking at you every time you open the pantry, it isn’t going to help you shift your focus from indulging to healthier more nourishing foods. Clear the pantry from sweet treats, savoury and processed carbohydrates and re-stock with plenty of lean protein meats, plant proteins, fresh fruit and vegetables.
- SMOOTHIES FOR THE WIN – Smoothies are a great way to start getting back into eating a healthy and nourishing Breakfast to kick start your morning or mid morning routine. These can be made with high fibre fruit and vegetables to promote energy production and to feed the healthy bacteria within your digestive tract, promoting weight loss. Smoothies are very hydrating, vitamin and mineral packed and also easy for time poor individuals who can drink them on the run! Ensure you include good quality protein sources, green vegetables and lower sugar containing fruits for a nice smoothie balance. For smoothie recipe ideas refer to my recipe book – Eat Your Way Healthy (page 140).
- ALWAYS BE PREPARED – Being consistent with eating well can be challenging when you are not prepared and have healthy snacks on hand as your first option. In the morning, chop up plenty of fresh vegetables such as celery, carrot, cucumber, tomatoes and broccoli and keep in a container for a healthy snack you can easily grab. This works well, especially if you are now back at work and you can easily get a healthy snack from the fridge. Other options are making yourself a healthy homemade dip or a high protein trail mix. For healthy snack options refer to my recipe book Eat Your Way Healthy (page 99).
- SET SIMPLE GOALS – It is a great time of year to set some small realistic goals when it comes to eating well. It can be as simple as focusing on drinking 3 litres of water each day, or cutting that can of coke out each day with lunch, or not picking at food at night after Dinner. You need to make it achievable when creating new positive habits within your lifestyle.
For delicious and healthy recipe ideas, check out Eat Your Way Healthy which includes of 60 wholesome recipes for the whole family – Breakfasts, Salads, Dinners, Snacks, Drinks and Sauces (purchase for $34.95 + FREE SHIPPING).