I travelled to Tasmania a few weeks ago and saw some beautiful seaweed, also known as Kelp. While on a cruise around South Bruney Island only just south of Hobart, the Kelp grabbed my attention, as there was so much! Clinging for dear life on the rocks with their high suction mechanism and I can’t forget the putrid smell, the plant continued to amaze me.

Even after already being aware of the health benefits this beautiful sea plant performs, I had never seen it in such quantity and so closely. Kelp is used for a variety of different systems in the body. It contains high amount of iodine, which is required for healthy thyroid hormone function, reproductive hormones and immune system health. It helps protect against radiation poisoning, therefore used in prevention and treatment in the recent nuclear disaster in Japan to prevent radioactive iodine toxicity in the body. Iodine is essential for women with oestrogen related cancer due to studies performed indicating women supplementing Kelp had a much less risk of developing breast, ovarian and endometrial cancers.

Also beneficial as a general cancer preventative due to its ability to induce apoptosis (cell death). Kelp also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and iron enhancing properties making it a key mineral in treatment and prevention of thyroid disease and cancer.

You may not find it as fascinating as I do, but I thought I would share it anyway!

Eat Your Way Healthy - Recipe Book by Leisa Tuite


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