Stay in the comfort of your own home and have your health assessed and treated either over the phone or online. Your health doesn’t have to be put on hold at this time especially if you are experiencing health concerns that need support and treatment. Your consultation is in depth and I can get a great indication of your health and areas that require support initially and on going. Quality supplementation is shipped directly to you at home for easy convenience so you can get on top of your health as soon as possible.

Other reasons you may like to have a consultation?

  • Meal plans, struggling to get your eating right now you are working from home and need to get into a routine? I can assist with a 2 week meal plan that you can easily buy ingredients from your local grocery store. Tailored to your specific needs at this time weather it be weight loss, build muscle, increase wholesome nourishing foods, reduce inflammation or purely for more recipe ideas for you and your family.
  • Immune Support, considering the current circumstances you want to ensure your immunity is functioning at its optimum. With coming into the cooler months also, those suffering from underlying health concerns such as auto immunity, gut problems, seasonal allergies, low immunity, asthma, eczema and other immune system imbalances. Now is the prime time to be in good health and implementing healthy eating and lifestyle habits.
  • Digestive support – gut health is the foundation for all biochemical pathways in the body to function well. “All disease starts in the gut” – Hippocrates
  • Hormone Health
  • Pain and Inflammation – Natural alternatives
  • Weight loss goals
  • Nutrition
  • Lifestyle and general Wellbeing
  • Childrens Health


Contact me today to see how I can help you with your health concerns.


Eat Your Way Healthy - Recipe Book by Leisa Tuite


Have you seen my new recipe book?

My new book Eat Your Way Healthy brings you over 60 simple, delicious and nourishing recipes, including gluten, dairy and refined sugar-free options. 

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