Eating a nutritious diet with a variety of fresh and wholesome foods is an important part of producing healthy hormone levels and ratio between progesterone, oestrogen and testosterone. Steering away from the processed and highly refined foods is a good start and increasing fresh, living and wholesome ingredients into your day. It is also important to always consult with your practitioner, as these foods do not treat reproductive conditions but support along with other necessary hormone treatment options.
1. Leafy green vegetables: Eat your greens! YES, don’t you remember your Mother always telling you this? Leafy greens such as kale, broccoli, spinach, rocket, lettuce varieties, sprouts, bok choy, parsley, leek and Brussel sprouts are high in antioxidant levels but also help the body metabolise and excrete excess oestrogen in the body that may be causes an imbalance.
2. Healthy fats: Our body doesn’t make fatty acids, we actually need to be consuming an abundance of healthy fats from different sources to have optimum fatty acid levels. Omega 3 and 6 in the right ratio are highly beneficial to promote production of hormones in the body and also to regulate inflammation. Great sources of healthy fat are avocado, oily fish such as such, nuts and seeds (almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts, pepitas, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseed oil)
3. Protein with each meal: Consuming a protein source with each meal helps to control your blood glucose levels throughout the day which in turn has a postiive impact on hormone balance. Women with lower protein diets are more prone to fluctuation in blood sugar levels which increases oestrogen excess and poor metabolism of hormones in the body. Protein sources include – Quinoa, brown rice, eggs, legumes, chickpeas, nuts and seeds, oats, chia seeds, meat sources – chicken and fish.
4. A high fibre diet: A diet low in dietary fibre is linked with poor metabolism of oestrogen in the body, poor microbiome (balance of healthy and beneficial bacteria in the bowel) and irregular bowel motions. Research has shown that those with regular bowel motions had high metaboism and clearance of excess oestrogen in the body compared to those of a low fibre diet. The oestrogen is metabolised in the body and excess sent to the bowel to be removed, however if the bowel motions are not regular these oestrogen metabolites can be reabsorbed adding to the total amount in the body over and over again. Ways to increase fibre in the diet are foods mentioned above such as green leafy vegetables, oats, wholegrains, nuts and seeds, a variety of fruit and vegetables, flaxseeds, linseeds and chia seeds. Supplementation of healthy sources of fibre may need to be incorporated, however always talk to your natural medicine practitioner.
5. Other beneficial foods for healthy hormones: Mushrooms, oranges and cabbage.
For further information in regards to female hormones and balance, please contact Leisa for a consultation to discuss in detail.