
4 – 6 eggs is a good amount to consume per week to ensure you are getting enough. Eggs are a great source of protein, which helps encourage breast milk production.

Food Suggestions: Omlette, french toast, poached eggs, boiled eggs, quiche. Keeping some hard boiled eggs in the fridge is a good way to keep a snack on hand to add to a cracker with some avocado or cottage cheese.


Half a cup per day is a correct amount. Chickpeas are high in iron and fibre to encourage breastmilk production.

Food Suggestions: Add chickpeas to salads, or crush them up adding a little bit of olive oil and spread onto a wholegrain cracker as a snack.


100 – 150g of Salmon 2-3 times per week. Consume both fresh and tinned salmon to ensure a healthy amount of omega-3 fats which is great for brain function, growth and development. Along with being a great source of protein, vitmamin B12, iodine and vitamin D.

Food suggestions: Fresh Salmon grilled in the oven with lemon, olive oil and freshly chopped herbs. Tinned salmon on wholegrain crackers with avocado, tomato, spinach and cottage cheese.

Lean Red Meat

100-120g 3-4 times per week. It is high in zinc which promotes a healthy immune system and iron – increases blood supply and oxygen around the body.


One small tub per day. High in calcium for developing bones and teeth, along with containing millions of healthy bacterial strains for a healthy `gut’ immunity.

Food suggestion: Store in the fridge, or put them in the freezer as a nice cold snack that takes a while to eat. Great to add to fruits or muesli or even a smoothie.


1/2 cup of natural muesli per day. High amount of fibre for a healthy digestive system along with being great for heart health.

Food Suggestion: Combine muelsi with a variety of nuts and seeds – almonds, brazil nuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds OR LSA mix. Bake muffins using muelsi and low reactive flour (almond meal, hazelnut meal or gluten free flour).


1/4 avocado per day. High in folate, potassium, vitamin E, magnesium and fibre – very nutritious!! They are also a great source of mono-unsaturated fatty acids, therefore having a positive effect on cholesterol levels.

Food suggestion: Avocado with wholegrain crackers, salads, dip with carrot and celery or on a sandwich instead of butter.

Baby Spinach

1 cup per day. High in folate and antioxidants. Keeping the digestive system nice and healthy. Be careful not to consume too much spinach on a daily basis, as in some women it can cause an upset tummy in your breastfeeding baby. However, it is very good for you!.

Food suggestion: Add to sandwiches, crackers, salads, hot meals – like stirfry’s.


Eat Your Way Healthy - Recipe Book by Leisa Tuite


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My new book Eat Your Way Healthy brings you over 60 simple, delicious and nourishing recipes, including gluten, dairy and refined sugar-free options. 

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